The Tokyo Metro, a vast and complex subway network, is the backbone of Tokyo's unique transportation system. Established on December 30, 1927, the Tokyo Metro has become one of the world's most extensive and efficient rapid transit systems, reflecting the city's continuing mobility. Consisting of thirteen lines spanning the metropolis, this subway network serves as a lifeline for the bustling capital, catering to the diverse needs of its more than 14 million daily commuters. From the iconic Ginza Line, Japan's first subway line, to the futuristic and automated Yurikamome Line, Tokyo Metro seamlessly integrates tradition and innovation. The complex network of Tokyo subway lines connects every corner of the city, allowing residents and visitors to navigate between vibrant districts, commercial centers, and cultural sites with unparalleled ease. Shinjuku Station, one of the world's busiest transportation hubs, exemplifies the central role of the subway, providing connections to various lines and facilitating seamless transitions between the subway and other rail services.