Algiers Metro ((مترو الجزائر العاصمة) Adubrid en Dzayer)

Algiers, the capital of Algeria, has a modern rapid transit system, the Algiers Metro playing an important role in transforming the public transport landscape of the city. The journey of the metro began with the opening of Line 1 on 1 November 2011. The line is 12 kilometers long, has 14 stations and carries 200,000 passengers every day.

OperatorRATP El-Djazaïr (RATP El Djazaïr)
Operation start1 November 2011
Total Lines1 Metro Lines
Total Station19 Active Stations
Metro City/CountryAlgeria Algiers
Official Web

StationLayoutOperation starts
Place des MartyrsUnderground10 April 2018
Ali BoumendjelUnderground13 November 2018
Tafourah - Grande PosteUnderground01 November 2011
Khelifa BoukhalfaUnderground01 November 2011
1er MaiUnderground01 November 2011
Aïssat IdirUnderground01 November 2011
HammaUnderground01 November 2011
Jardin d'essaiUnderground01 November 2011
Les FusillésUnderground01 November 2011
AmiroucheUnderground01 November 2011
Mer et SoleilUnderground01 November 2011
Haï El BadrAt-grade01 November 2011
Halte des AteliersUnderground07 September 2018
Gué de ConstantineUnderground13 November 2018
Ain NaadjaUnderground10 April 2018
Bachdjarah TennisUnderground04 July 2015
BachdjarahUnderground04 July 2015
El Harrach GareUnderground04 July 2015
El Harrach CentreUnderground04 July 2015