Hiroshima Metro (Astram Line)

Hiroshima New Transit Line 1, also known as Astrum Line, is a rubber-lined transit system operated by Hiroshima Rapid Transit in Hiroshima. When the line originally opened in 1994, it had 21 stations, of which Omachi provided the line's only transfer with the JR West Line (Kabe Line). On March 14, 2015, Shin-Hakushima opened as an infill station between Hakushima and Jōhoku to provide a transfer point along the Sanyo Main Line. The Hiroshima Rapid Transit Line has played an important role in enhancing urban mobility, reducing traffic congestion, and contributing to the overall efficiency and connectivity of Hiroshima's transportation network.

OperatorHiroshima Rapid Transit
Operation start20 August 1994
Total Lines1 Metro Lines
Total Station22 Active Stations
Metro City/CountryHiroshima Japan
Official Webhttps://www.astramline.co.jp/

Metro linesStationsTerminal stations
Astram Line22Hondōri Kōiki-kōen-mae

  • The Hiroshima Rapid Transit Line, commonly known as the Astrum Line, began operation on August 20, 1994, providing a major transportation link in Hiroshima, Japan.
  • The Astrum Line operates as an automated guideway transit system, featuring driverless trains and automated operation.
  • The Astram Line extends for approximately 18.4 kilometers, connecting the southern and northern parts of Hiroshima, including important destinations such as Hiroshima Station and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
  • The rapid transit line serves a total of 20 stations, allowing convenient access to the city's various neighborhoods, commercial areas, and cultural sites.
  • A significant portion of the Astrom Line is elevated, providing passengers with scenic views of the city of Hiroshima during their transit.
  • The Astram Line integrates seamlessly with other modes of transportation, offering convenient transfers to buses and other transit services at major interchange stations.
  • The rapid transit line uses a fare system based on distance traveled, with passengers using rechargeable smart cards for ticketing.
  • The Astram Line operates with high frequency, providing efficient and timely services for passengers throughout the day.
  • Astram Line stations are designed to be accessible, including facilities for persons with reduced mobility and other special needs.